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"But he seemed such a good young man, and a strong Christian," said an elder in the village church, "and yet you say he has fallen into sin with a woman. I can't believe it!" Yes this strong is true of so many today,yes,even Christians! Sex sins are becoming an increasing problem in Papua New Guinea especially in schools, towns and plantation where people are living away from the laws and Control of their own villages. If they have not built their lives on Christian standards, they have little strength or no desire to stand against new temptations when they come.

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It's only wrong when practiced with the wrong person and in a wrong way but sex in it's essence is good because it's also divine as a gift given to humans by God.
added by Anonymous 948 days ago 0    0

Sex is not wrong if done at a right age group with the right people in the right place at a right time for the people involved.
added by Anonymous 1046 days ago 3    0