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Controlling Wrong Desires

"Today young people do what they like," said one village pastor sadly. "Before, we had very strong rules to keep a man from getting into trouble with women. Men kept right away from woman all the time. But now all this has changed." These are at least 3 reasons why sex sins are a big problem in Papua New Guinea:-
1. The old laws of the village kept men and women away from each other but they did not teach them how to control their desires (Col 2:21-23).
2. Now young people can become free from the village laws by going away to schools, plantations and towns. In these places old desires can become very strong and there are many new temptations to face.
3. Some have wrong thinking about sex. They think physical desire of the body for sex is the same as the physical desire of the body for food. It is alright to satisfy the hunger for both in any way you like. But this thinking is wrong.

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