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In life, we reap what we saw, once one saw hatred, there's no miracle that he can reap love. Thus we should treat others the way we expect to be treated. In life, we don't get what we're seeking, we get what we're.
added by Anonymous 1012 days ago 0    0

I remember one stranger who was thirst and wanted water he came to a certain house were he requested for water by the lady who was asked brought a glass of milk the man asked why she brought milk the lady said because she saw him to be in need of more strength to keep up with his journey ,but after many years passing through the lady got ill and was hospitalized in certain hospital were she was operated and she became some how fine and was waiting anxiously for the bill but when it came she wonder to notice that it was already paid and was written "paid in full by one glass of milk" she was amazed by this until when she saw the doctor who operated her and he introduced himself as a man who asked him for water but was give a glass of milk .so good done always comes back in a certain way.
added by Anonymous 1028 days ago 0    0

Do good for others. It will come back to you in unexpected ways.

The good things you're doing in the lives of people have a way to come back to you in unexpected ways. So don't complain even when your good works are not rewarded at the moment.

There may be a time in your life when you're in a difficult situation and Angels of goodness will send you help to you either from those whose lives you have touched positively or from others. So do good for others.

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