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A person who knows his worth, doesn't need anyone's approval in anything he's doing. God created us with a purpose and it's everyone's responsibility to search for his/her purpose from within. African proverb states that if there's no enemy within, the enemy outside can't do us harm. Thus self courage and motivation is more important than basing on other people's approval.
added by Anonymous 1020 days ago 0    0

Know that in life if you yourself can't encourage yourself then there is no one to do that because even the closest of people you embrace will just one day not be there so love yourself there's no one to love you more than yourself .
added by Anonymous 1035 days ago 0    0

Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself.

Never doubt who you are, never think that you cannot make it in life. Don't even hate yourself. Sometimes people will get encouraged only when they get encouragement from other people.

Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, love yourself and never doubt who you are. You're great!

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