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Successful people make mistakes but they don't quit, always successful people take their mistakes as lessons, they always make mistakes and those mistakes but make sure they don't repeat such mistakes again, and they keep moving on, than quitting, leading to their success.
added by Anonymous 992 days ago 0    0

Mistakes are part of the process for success and a person who avoid making mistakes learns nothing. Winners don't quit however much mistakes they make and lossers don't win.
added by Anonymous 1015 days ago 0    0

Making mistakes is apart of knowing that there is something learnt also I can say as you make mistakes they bring you closer to the actual thing .So make mistakes because even they light bulbs we use were because of about thousands of mistakes the crucial thing here is just not to give up .
added by Anonymous 1029 days ago 0    0

Success comes after hard work. Try and fail but never fail to try. People we learn from our mistakes. So successful people make it through learning from their mistakes. My brothers and sisters keep trying, keep moving forward your success is a head.
added by 1001054257 1031 days ago 0    0

Yes success people are very stratigic people because they are so claver and they no what they want and they are so determine when they work they love their jobs and they have good relationship with the castmers.
added by Anonymous 1035 days ago 0    0

Successful people make mistakes but they don't quit.

Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.

When you make mistakes, don't quit, don't also remain there. Keep moving, adjust your ways and try again until you succeed. Success is connected with action.

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