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In a world full of destructions due in advancements in technology, a person who knows and understands what's he's after should maintain his focus on his goals.
added by Anonymous 1021 days ago 0    0

Of course being focused in a world full of distractions is not an easy thing it requires lots of commitment and a good mind that knows its limits and it's plans to follow. It's also wise if you get connected with spiritual matters they will act as a guide to your success and help you escape some distractions.
added by Anonymous 1036 days ago 0    0

Stay focused in a world full of distractions.

Stay focused in a world full of distractions. To focus is to pay attention to something or someone. To focus is to direct all of one's energy and attention towards a goal. Life becomes blurry when we are not focused.

Staying focused is important because it will make us attain our goal.

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