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Discipline is the fuel that leads to success and without discipline one is bound to fail in whatever he's doing.
added by Anonymous 1021 days ago 0    0

I agree on that because if you stay disciplined you will have the focus to arrive to your goal, I like to think of discipline as doing what you are supposed to do even though you feel not doing it
Then if you hold on discipline you will certainly be prosperous.
added by Anonymous 1036 days ago 0    0

Tips to help stay focused. No 2. Remain disciplined.

No 2 tip to help stay focused:
Remain disciplined. Many start d race excited but they drop off because of lack of discipline. Focus requires discipline because discipline is the driving force behind achieving any goal. Second Timothy 4:7 says, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race and I have kept the faith. People who are disciplined are a threat to the kingdom of darkness.

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