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We're not made by our past but we can make our history. Mistakes are part of life and shouldn't be avoided but to learn from them . There's nothing you can change in your past Mistakes other than learning from and focus on where you're heading.
added by Anonymous 1021 days ago 0    0

Always think that BACKWARDS NEVER FORWARD EVER you will never be discouraged by your past failures .
added by Anonymous 1036 days ago 1    0

It's a true fact because the past failures have the ability to discourage your efforts if you tend to hold them mostly as a reflection of we're you are heading its best that you believe in you self and set goals to reach your success and put in mind that failing doesn't mean you can be something.
added by Anonymous 1036 days ago 1    0

Yes I agree, a good runner can't look behind. So the past mistakes should not cause an obstacle in front of you. Keep a step moving forward irrespective of what or how the past was, only believe that your tomorrow must be greater. Keep focused my brother my sister trusting in God your Creator and the only one who knows your future. Thanks
added by 1001054257 1037 days ago 0    0

Do not allow past mistakes and failures to hold you back.

Do not allow past mistakes and failures to hold you back. Embrace the glorious future that is ahead of you and remain focused to achieve the dream that God has placed in your spirit.

Don't give room to distractions. Remain focused and you will achieve your dream.

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