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Trust and love is the only lasting solution that can help solve most of the lumphole seen our society today
added by 1001277811 119 days ago 0    0

Love and trust is the only solution that can help solve some lumphole in most family this day
added by 1001277811 119 days ago 0    0

A good relationship should have three things eyes that won't cry, lips that won't lie and love that won't die. Trust the one who can see these three things in you: Sorrow behind your smile, love behind your anger and reason behind your silence. Trust is like a mirror, u can fix it when it's broken, but u can still see the cracks.
added by 1001186171 900 days ago 2    0

Though love and trust is necessary between a husband and a wife but it's understanding each other that more important than anything else because it's understanding that enables a husband and a wife to endure challenging circumstances.
added by Anonymous 1020 days ago 1    0

so never burden yourself on investigating because time give genuine information.
added by Anonymous 1041 days ago 1    0

Let love and trust prevail between you and your spouse.

Sometimes your husband may come back home late and give you one reason you cannot find in any book,
*Let love and trust prevail.*
*Imagine Jonah coming back after 3 days of absence, no phone call, no message, nothing,* *only to tell his wife he was swallowed by a fish and vomited after 3 days. - just imagine how that sounded.

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