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It's very hard to build a name but it takes a second to destroy it . Thus in whatever one does , he should be mindful of his characters because humans don't forget the wrongs one does however much good you have been.
added by Anonymous 1021 days ago 1    0

I believe that coz even when you have good Cash but with bad name all you get is fake friends, they will come to u because they only need something from u
added by 1001118747 1034 days ago 2    0

For sure a good name is better than gold and silver but let's keep our money in yem and try our best to build our name slowly by slowly we will make it and no one will turnish it.
added by Anonymous 1034 days ago 3    0

your word is your bond, so be sure in what you say and agree to always. Be honest, if you cannot do something, say so... and it's best to under promise and over deliver than over promise and under deliver.
added by Anonymous 1036 days ago 3    0

I agree with you that a good name is greater than good and silver. For one to it is not because everyone seems to be against you, so it call for patience and endurance in all. After all good and bad one becomes a winner, either of good or bad. So it's wonderful to have a good name than gold and silver.
added by 1001054257 1036 days ago 3    0

It is true to keep a good name as an individual and it is not good to intentionally destroy someones name which he or she has build for a long time. So try as much as possible to keep a good name for the good of your family and the entire country.
added by Anonymous 1036 days ago 3    0

A good name is better than gold and silver combined......

A good name is better than gold and silver combined.its very hard to maintain a good name because everyone wants to destroy what you build for so long. In youthful stage from 18_30energy , from 30_50 money then 50_80 name will stand for . Keep a good name for your self.

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