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They're fundamentals to humanity because that's what almost everyone is yearning for but due various factors, most people fail to attain them.
added by Anonymous 1021 days ago 1    0

Of course yes we all need sustainable services because we all need the best in life,with out any doubt or differentiation of gender or disability,we all yearning for the best.
added by Anonymous 1034 days ago 4    0

The world we are facing doesn't need jokes and it can only accommodate the health and Strong people.
added by Anonymous 1035 days ago 6    0

Yes we need it so much coz it is our route to sustainability in development. If we need to develop at a rapod rate, the metioned dimentions should go hand in hand.
added by Anonymous 1036 days ago 6    0

Do we all Need sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Goals.
1.Good health and well-
being by providing the

2.Quality education by
delivering effective training
on nationally recognised

3.Gender equality by
creating business
opportunities for women

4. Decent work and
economic growth by creating
new, meaningful jobs in our
5.Lets working together to stay free poverty nation,Zero hunger,Good health and wellbeing,Quality education,gender equality,Clean water,affordable and clean energy,decent work and economic growth etc.

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