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NO one should be dependent on the other people. Being independent always adds something to your personality and behavior. It always help you to make the right decisions. People must stop to rely on someone nowadays.
added by Anonymous 1028 days ago 3    0

Waiting to be given is also a disease nowdays. People today prer to rely on others that working hard to be independent. If you become independent things become soft on your side which means you can not easily be over controlled.
added by Anonymous 1028 days ago 3    0

Overdependence makes one to be avictim of circumstances and sometimes it is regarded laziness when you find yourself begging or waiting from someone's pocket for all your needs yet you also have an opportunity to outcompete your breadwinner
added by 1001217379 1029 days ago 2    0

Don't depend too much on anyone in this world

Don't depend too much on anyone in this world. Even your shadow leaves you when you are in darkness. It's good for someone to create his/her job that will give him what he wants, people who invests in Yem time to come they will not depend on anyone in this world.

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