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Being able to work independently and being self employed is a blessing, but not everyone can become self employed consciously.
added by 1000944275 1015 days ago 2    0

One should love his/her life in their own way. He/she never let anyone to interfere in their life. It is their life not other's.
added by Anonymous 1018 days ago 3    0

Living your life is the best way to go through difficult lifestyle.When someone has the ability to decide on what to do and what to leave is the best way to dapt to the soroundings. Leaving positively can help someone to invest, and plan for the future.
added by Anonymous 1018 days ago 7    0

Living your own life in a good way

People need to start thinking on how to live a good and positive life without no one disturbing you.we need not to wait people to employee us just do your best to attain self employment. No one should pressurize you do his or her works in better way and even sometimes paying little wages. Good luck

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