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Inflation is the decrease of value of agiven currency. And the consequence is not only on property but also those who save loose acertain percentage of their money.
added by Anonymous 1002 days ago 4    0

Inflation is very high today. When you buy a certain good at a certain price, you find that within another week, the price of that commadity will be high. This means that the inflation is too high.
added by Anonymous 1012 days ago 6    0

Inflation rate: Consequence on property

A franc of today is not equal to a franc of tomorrow.This is possible thanks to a certain economic phenomenon called the inflation rate which is nothing other than the increase in the general level.We must seek to have the information of the prices of these goods.

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It's bad government policies and weak economies that contributes to inflation rates in a given country. In countries which have regulatory authorities, there's no consequences on properties due to inflation.
added by Anonymous 1012 days ago 4    0