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It is true that prizemania guys have not been equal in terms of balancing all peoplpe from all corners of the world. I have never seen a Ugandan win in prizemania. Is it because we are far from head offices or something different from what we can imagine???
added by Anonymous 1009 days ago 3    0

Is there only win verified pernums in prizemania each 10 minutes?

I have several times entered into prizemania where there will be a winner pernum in six different catagories, but could not win till today.
I think it is either area based winners will be choosen or only safezonpass verified members are choosen. What do you think?

Kindly vote and comment your idea, please.

How do you vote?

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Sincerely don't know whether it's true or not but am glad that am going to learn more using this platform.
added by Anonymous 1003 days ago 1    0

Anyone can be a winner so longer as you remain persistent and consistent at prize mania . It's not only verified members who are rewarded as winners. There are very many unverified members who have won at prize mania.
added by Anonymous 1009 days ago 2    0

I once won the Daily Prize draw of1000 Fyem end of May and I still don't have a verified Safezonepass. (tried to get it verified, but so far did not succeed) Not sure if it's by area, because I live in Thailand.
added by Anonymous 1010 days ago 3    0