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They're both a product of one's thinking, perception, plans expectations and so forth. Both success and failure are off spring of our thoughts. It's a matter of changing one's thoughts so that o one reap what he has been planted and cultivated.
added by Anonymous 1010 days ago 4    0

Success and failure move together.

The reason why some people fail to try is because they fear failure more than anything. But the fact is that all those who are successful they started and failed. But they never quit , they just make corrections to over come the failure hence ending up succeeding. Try and fail but never fail to try.

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Failure leads to success. We learn from our mistakes and that is what makes us better people in the end.
added by Anonymous 1000 days ago 2    0

Try and fail is for poor people. Many successful people have invested their money in businesses which they have studied for a long time and now they are okey. But for poor people, even if uou show them something good, they don't want to give a through study about it. They either ignore it or spread the gospel against it.
added by Anonymous 1009 days ago 4    0