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Better be late than never is better because you don't completely loose but you part with some thing rather than nothing
added by Anonymous 1000 days ago 3    0

It's true to better be late than never because you may decide not to try and fail.completely because though you are late you end up getting the little than the one who failed to try because he/she was late and you end up missing everything waiting to get better.
added by Anonymous 1000 days ago 3    0

Being late shouldn't be used as an excuse so longer as one is not left behind. In some cases, a person who knows to utilise the available opportunities to get what he wants might benefit more than a person who came earlier.
added by Anonymous 1005 days ago 8    0

It is better to be late than never. In business, no one is late but both who came first and that who came last can achieve what they want. But who ever come last may achieve his desired goal before that one who came first. So better late than never.
added by Anonymous 1005 days ago 9    0

Better be late than never it's better.

Being late is some how fine than not being anywhere or anymore. Being late. makes you utilize all all the late chances that were in your way, therefore you being late is better than being no more.

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