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Health competition has seen this world coming with creative people and innovations especially in technology. That is why we see new models of things every time.
added by Anonymous 995 days ago 1    0

Competition is one of the key to promote development. Many good businesses we see today developed due to competition they have experienced which has brought about qualitative delivery. Whenever there is competiton, there is good service delivery.
added by Anonymous 996 days ago 2    0

In business where there's competition, there's improvement in quality and varying prices than in a place where there's no competition thus giving the customers quality products and creativity amongst market participants.
added by Anonymous 997 days ago 4    0

Competition has brought us to new Innovations.

If there was no competition, so many new things wouldn't have been innovated and every one would have been in a confort zone. With competition all the inventors are fighting to bring the best on the market hence giving convenience to the consumer.

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