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There should be a policy that can favour revising our education system other wise we shall continue luging behind. However if we embrace technology the problem may be partially solved.
added by Anonymous 996 days ago 1    0

African leaders have an obligation of making sure that people they lead enjoy the fruits of thier vote. But many politicians in Africa dont value the power of the vote. They go ahead and promise to destroy everyone who is against them which is not good at all.
added by Anonymous 998 days ago 4    0

He who prescribes the diameter of your understanding, determines the circumference of your activities. Most African countries are still on the education system designed by the colonialists with the agenda of producing employees who would work in their firms and factories and when they handed Africans the ceremonial independence, African leaders had to change the education system to meet with challenges in various countries. Secondly African countries were never oriented what leadership means and that's why they end up misusing the authority they are given.
added by Anonymous 998 days ago 4    0

African Political Leaders Must Show Leadership

For a long time now, the African Educational system has failed to raise a cadre of people who are innovative.A people who can create things out of nothing.
To a large extent, the Education system we have in Africa is designed to raise a cadre of employees and not Entrepreneurs.
Our Engineers are trained to be employees, and not innovators..This has led to high levels of unemployment among the Youths.
Political leadership must rise up and change the scenario by formulating policies that will change the Educational system to make it become responsive to this challenge in Africa.

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