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Destin is not matter of chance but choice. It's upon some one to make his life better or the other way. Let us be positive and change our attitude.
added by Anonymous 991 days ago 1    0

Life is like a blank book given to us a day we were born, our parents writes for us the first chapter and it's handed to us once we reach the age of understanding the good and bad. It's one's responsibility to write whatever he/she wants to be in that book and we don't blame anyone for what's in that book because it's writen by us. It's one's responsibility to make himself what he wants to be in life and there's no need to base our life on what had happened to us whether good or bad.
added by Anonymous 992 days ago 6    0

God made man with plenty of all things but it was man who disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit. We are created with the same opportunities but its upon you to seriously work hard to put your opportunities into reality.
added by Anonymous 992 days ago 4    0

We are not given good life or bad life

We are not given good life or bad life. We are given a life. It's up to us to make it good or bad. To see and to feel means to be, think and live.

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Our life depends on our up bring and physical nature of someone. Some people are born when crippled and sometimes orphans and forced to have a negative mindset about life
added by Anonymous 989 days ago 1    0