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True no one can monitor God's time. but every situation we have got to be patient and wait unto Him for His good works to manifest
added by Anonymous 973 days ago 0    0

Of course God is Supreme and the way He does His things is unique. He takes His time. He is never in a hurry, His timing is perfect and His judgment is final.
added by RWABI KWESIGA MYRES AMOOTI 978 days ago 0    0

God's ways of doing things is quite different from people's ways and that's why he answers when least expected because he's supreme of all things.
added by Anonymous 993 days ago 3    0

Re:God will respond in his time

The way God does his things is not the man does his,God's timing is far different from man's however,he does his things at a perfect time, Ecclesiastes 3:12 says that he has made everything beautiful in its own time and still says that everything has it's Time and season

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