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He who absconds himself from the war, leaves to fight for another day. Life is full of challenges and problems and every human being is a solution to a certain problem affecting the world and whoever fails to solve a problem leaves to the next generation. Running away from challenges and problems doesn't solve them, only finding solutions is the answer.
added by Anonymous 988 days ago 1    0

I support because when you have a problem you should slove the problem and come out with it's solution
added by KAMULEGEYA MUDASILU 988 days ago 2    0

The best of solving a problem is by solving it

Actually we don't need to run away from problems but we need to face problems and solve them,once you run away problems you will not have taken away and still you will not have learnt how to go about it yet when you stand firm and face it,next time it will be easier to go about it remember,a problem once solved is a problem solved.

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