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Prefiero la criptomoneda ya que se evalua de una gran rapides y me parece mas segura y confiable
added by Anonymous 918 days ago 0    0

I think it's real money because it is used for for trading and it's value is far better than that of some countries currency. So crypto is far better to that real money
added by Anonymous 988 days ago 2    0

I think crypto is real money because it can be used as a medium of exchange and for me I think it far better than money when you look at it's advantages compared to money
added by Anonymous 989 days ago 2    0

It's real money so longer as cryptos has the same features as fiat currencies and the only purpose of money is to pay for goods and services.if there's some cryptos used to pay for goods and services, then it's real money.
added by Anonymous 991 days ago 3    0

Cryptocurrencies allow for secure payments online which are denominated in terms of virtual "tokens," which are represented by ledger entries internal to the system. Investors can make money with cryptocurrency by mining Bitcoin, or simply selling their Bitcoin at a profit.
added by Anonymous 991 days ago 3    0

Is crypto real money.....?? What do you think.....?

Cryptocurrency is virtual money based on software. ... Unlike centralized currency, which is government controlled, cryptocurrency is decentralized. Its value is controlled by the network based on supply and demand.

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