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God is call is your purpose for creation, when you ignore it, you have disqualified yourself from leaving. disobidience is the best enemy ti humanity
added by Anonymous 973 days ago 0    0

Nothing on this earth planet is great than God, God's calling is always with a purpose and can never be escaped once he calls on it's a must you have to respond to it, He's not a son of man that can be joking, when says yes no one can say no, Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that he knows all the plans he has for us and plans of good hopes for future prosperity. God's call can be the only way to get to your destination, His beginning and the end,the one who knows what your tomorrow will be, in short when you ignore his call it's like your no more.
added by 1001174986 985 days ago 1    0

We should ignore God's call because if we deviate from Gods call we always get challenged and we end up failing not untill we realize and take up God's call. However some times we may not recognize his call
added by Anonymous 991 days ago 4    0

God has never created a nobody and everything he created, there's a purpose for it's existence. Once he calls one to fulfil his purpose, there's no resistance because he knew everyone's destiny before his/her creation.
added by Anonymous 992 days ago 3    0

You should never ignore God's call

God's calling depends on many factors and once you disobey him you may face the consequences,in the bible the best example should be on Jona who was told to go to Nineveh and he decided to go to Tarsus.Had it not to be God who's compassionate and slow to anger, Jona would have died.So it's good not to ignore God's call.

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