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We never choose whom our parents are and how we are born so God creats us in his image so the way we are is not our making so its not good to despise others whether they are poor or lame or black, lets love one another as God has created all of us
added by Anonymous 984 days ago 1    0

People who undermine others because of thier hieght, size, education background, family background or any abnormalities are those who are naive. They dont know what they are talking about because anytime it may happen to them. It may not be themselves but it might be indirectly. God loves us all equally.
added by Anonymous 986 days ago 1    0

We were created the way we're not by our choice but it was God's choice to glorify his power because we're in his image but One's characters, One's achievements etc are by his/ her choice.
added by Anonymous 988 days ago 1    0

We are what we are not by choice.

Its bad to judge some one by his or her beauty or by their height or any abnormalities they have on their bodies. This is wrong because no one decides to look the way they look or to grow like that. We all just find our selves the way we are and all we have is to appreciate the lord for making us the way we are. Discrimination isn't Godly because we are the same in God's sight.

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