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those expired products are the root causer of some incurable diseases like cancerous which has claimed thousands of the lives of people globally
added by Anonymous 968 days ago 0    0

It is unfortunate that some people after buying their products they dont check on expiry dates. and end uo posoning themselves. thanks for the warming
added by Anonymous 968 days ago 0    0

It's vital to be aware of expired dates when purchasing for goods but due to poverty which forces most people to buy cheap products especially in developing countries such as Uganda, people don't mind checking for the expired dates of certain products and it will be exacerbated after 42 days of lockdown which had affected most people financially.
added by Anonymous 982 days ago 3    0

Be ware of the expired products in the market.

Since we've just got out of the lockdown we have to be very careful with the things we buy basically the cosmetics because the shops were closed for one and a half months and some traders don't want to make any more loses by disposing off these products. So it's we the consumers to be conscious about the things we buy.

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