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Things are changing everyday, today you have to keep your weath in Cryptocurrencies. just amazing how the world changes every hour of the day.
added by Anonymous 968 days ago 2    0

In the past you had to have land to be rich

Our grands used the land they had to measure their wealth and the bigger the land the wealthier you were , but in this industrial era you dont need to have land to be rich, all you need is technology. Imagine someone having a square mile of land it can not take him a broad for a vacation unless he sells part of it and it takes time to get a buyer. But if you have yem you go any where at any time you want and you access soo many things in time by just a click of a button.

How do you vote?

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It was that one had to be with very many wivies, many animals and land to be considered as rich not only land itself especially in African societies but in this information technology era, one with the rightful information is the one who's rich because information is power when it's applied.
added by Anonymous 983 days ago 4    0