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To believe is to have faith in. Usually one puts his/her trust in something that is yet to be. He/she hopes that it will come to pass. And when that time comes, he/she reaps happiness and joy. Blessed is such an individual!
added by 1001057999 980 days ago 1    0

That's very true.
Faith is an evidence of things not seen
So the ones who have been waiting are going to enjoy later when what they have been waiting is come
added by 1001220317 980 days ago 2    0

With God all things are possible.

Lucky are those who believe without seeing. Believers are those who take it that with God all things are possible whether it ever happened or not but non believers just wait things to happen so that they accept. Yem holders thank God for giving you the believing spirit during that time when others were doubtful.

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