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There's fairness in creation where by we're all blessed with equal opportunities by God and the failure to utilise those opportunities is what makes us different but God never created those who will be poverty ridden and others to be wealthy.
added by Anonymous 971 days ago 1    0

The fact is that we are all equal and have same resources and the difference is the way we utilize them making some rich and others poor.
added by Anonymous 971 days ago 0    0

At the beginning, God loved human beings and given us authority to rule all creatures and getting everything good on them for our wellbeing.. That started from eden .the time came when Adam was nolonger in Eden but still he remained with opportunities to utilize all the resources to get what he needed for survival theres no where God blessed poverty to humans except when we don't understand what to do with what we see here in the world.
added by Anonymous 971 days ago 2    0

Poverty is not God's plan, instead result of man's failure to manange endowed resources

In God's plans of man there is no poverty, He wishes every man to succeed, to utilise His resources to make life better. Our success in life gives back God the glory, and God is not in hermony with feeble human beings who do not promote the idea of success both spiritually and materially.

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