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It is true that the biggest problem of Africa are the greedy leaders who want to stay in power for the qhole of thier life. They become greedy for every thing they see as of more important than they have achived. They want everything to be thiers. They dont mind about others. They think that when they leave power they will be regarded as looser.
added by Anonymous 968 days ago 1    0

Greed for power is really one of Africas problem in that some leaders dont want to leave power and this has caused alot of instability, loss of life, poor economies in most parts of Africa
added by Anonymous 968 days ago 1    0

That's true because many African countries are not developing because of the analog presidents who only think of developing their families not the people of their nations.
added by Anonymous 968 days ago 1    0

Greedy for power is the number one enemy of Africa's development

Africa is one of the continents God endowed with resources enough to cause tremedeous development which no man can stop, but the presence of leaders in African countries who think that they have to die in power has not allowed the continent to attain this development. it should be our campaign by all of us Africans against such leaders.

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This has The Youths to not participate in leadership. They are considered violent and are seen as if they lack leadership skills, yet in future they are the next generation in leadership.
added by Anonymous 968 days ago 2    0