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By unknowing your call, that led many people into poverty because they take long to know their call.

added by Anonymous 967 days ago 2    0

Time is wssted in doing sensless things on earth. Africa wake up and start discovering gifts of your children at early stages to avoid lamenting all the time.
added by Anonymous 969 days ago 1    0

I wish I had known what I was called to be right from my childhood!

I have learnt life, and foundout that we suffer much if we fail to know what we are called to do in our early ages. My parents took me to school and learnt many things I cannot apply in life today, I wish i had known what i had to be, my life would have been so different from what I am today!

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It depends on the environments that influences one's growth because we're spirits with human bodies and those spirits knows what they came to manifest on planet earth though most societies put much emphasis on training the mind and the body hence neglecting the spirit that knows what it came to do.
added by Anonymous 968 days ago 1    0