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Very important because the Bible has it in Malachi 3v10: Bring into the house of the Lord your tithes and your offerings so that he has to eat. So our gifts go a long way in building up the body of Christ.
added by Anonymous 965 days ago 1    0

What we have or possess doesn't benefit us until its given to other people. The world was created with a lot of challenges and every human being is a solution to those challenges and in those solutions are the gifts God gave us to glorify his presence while serving others.
added by Anonymous 966 days ago 1    0

Your gift is an asset of God, you need to utilise it well

Many people din't know that our gift belongs to God. every gift is under Gid's plan intended ti serve specified purposes in specific generations. thats why we should not be selfish with our gifts, your gift is meant to profit other people in changing their lives.

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