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if someone asks for forgiveness he/she must be forgiven because he understands that what he/she did was wrong
added by 1001223105 967 days ago 1    0

Those who are not able to forgive are not worth to teach about respect. Forgiveness is the masterclass. Dont expect to much from Unicorn Admins. They still bann those who stick together with them since 10 Years and pay tons of money for advertising in order to bring in new customers and members each day and trust in the vision of the founders. Father, forgive them, cause the dont know what they do.
added by Dirk Herfurth 969 days ago 2    0

Yes so that it can be reintegrated into the game. It is the best solution.
To do this, administrators must also be indulgent towards those who do wrong.
added by Anonymous 972 days ago 1    0

It really depends on what they did. If someone has a case like they, they should contact SafeZone Support and ask nicely for their case to be reconsidered.
added by Anonymous 972 days ago 1    0

If someone is banned for a lifetime on pro or no and he asks forgiveness

If someone is banned for a lifetime on pro or no that he/she violeted pro or no rules copy/paste and he/she asks for forgiveness. The admin of pro or no can forgives that people if he/she promises that he will not do it again.

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When one is violating the terms, rules he/she is given 3 warnings. First time it is for 1 week, second time for 1 month and lastly Life Time.
So one has enough time to rectify errors he/she has committed before getting a life time ban.
added by Anonymous 972 days ago 1    1