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A friend in need is a friend indeed, long ago I had many friends but when I had a problem they didn't help me yet I was helping them in each and everything. But i had a good of mine that we could share everything we have he is the one who helped me in times
added by 1001124285 967 days ago 1    0

Too much trust brings problems, agony, hate because people are not trusted 100%. People are hypocrites so it takes a price to trust someone starting with who you share a bed with.
added by Anonymous 971 days ago 2    0

That's true because some of our friends are not trustable so it's better to love them but not put our trust in them.
added by 1001049122 971 days ago 4    0

Love many but trust few

A friend in need is a friend indeed, long ago I had many friends but when I had a problem they didn't help me yet I was helping them in each and everything. But i had a good of mine that we could share everything we have he is the one who helped me in times of trouble a "Friend in need is a friend indeed" so people love many but trust few

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