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Thank you sir it's true time never wait for slow people.
I have regretted all the things I have been posponding in my life time.

added by Anonymous 966 days ago 1    0

Indeed people think tomorrow will be better but tomorrow never comes. Lets wake up and get involved in Yem projects to make our future smart and brighter
added by 1001207578 966 days ago 3    0

The act of procrastinating everything has made us lose chances. For this case of crypto and YEM I also delayed to join after knowing the good news because I had a parochial mind but I lost almost everything; it's sad to me. But now I woke up now am already inside the system.
added by Anonymous 967 days ago 4    0

Never start tomorrow because tomorrow is too late and yesterday is over

Don't start tomorrow because tomorrow is too late and yesterday is over now is the exactly right moment to start today. If you tell someone to join crypto currencies and tells you I will join tomorrow or next day he/she will wake up and finds that it increased from the price it was in today to another price and someone fails to join because he/she can't manage so let's start today not tomorrow.

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