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Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself. You should be your biggest fan. Show the world what you're made of. Don't let any body despise you because of your inability, use your inabilities to reach people's hearts.
added by 1001124285 959 days ago 1    0

True nothing you can do to make others happy. Make sure you do what makes you happy and appreciate your self by clapping for your self.
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 1    0

Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself.

Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself. You should be your biggest fan. Show the world what you're made of. Don't let any body despise you because of your inability, use your inabilities to reach people's hearts. Never give up.

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It's not right to base your performance on other people because other people doesn't know your gift and your potentials and thus being consistent should be used whether there's people praising your performance or not.
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 0    0