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Many christians marry non
believers and it is not good on God's side it's good to marry someone who is of your religion according to the Bible if you a Catholic marry a Catholic, if you a protestant marry a protestant that's all.
added by 1001124285 959 days ago 2    0

A praying woman leads to success in a home spiritually, financially, a prayer warrior in a home is the best. No evil can attack such a home.
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 2    0

It's good to marry someone who will praise and worship God

Many christians marry non
believers and it is not good on God's side it's good to marry someone who is of your religion according to the Bible if you a Catholic marry a Catholic, if you a protestant marry a protestant that's all. Marry someone who will praise and worship God.

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It's understanding between the two partners that determines their relationship not their religious beliefs and most people are too religious but lacks relationship with their creator. There's no single individual who doesn't praise God because praising and prayer is not a religious activity, it's a must to every spirit that has a body.
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 1    0