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Le mariage, c'est pour un homme et une femme. Quand Dieu créa Adam, c'est Eve qui fut créée comme son aide. On ne lui a pas créé deux. Et Dieu que la femme et l'homme deviendront une seule chaire. Dieu déteste la polygamie.
added by Anonymous 955 days ago 0    0

I find it funny that people try to impose the belief that one is enough to console the those who want to be the only one for their selfish reasons. The fact is, men who can handle two or more wives without abuse and deceit are doing a good thing. Isaiah 4:1 and 1 Timothy 3:1-2. Makes it clear that it was always ok to have more than one wife. This is why you see in the letter to Timothy that Paul said if you want to be an overseer of the Church, you have to be a man of ONE wife. Which means if you don't desire that work you are free to have more than one wife and be approved before God. Period. So you insecure people out there lying to the people that a man has to be confined to only one wife, stop the lying and let people be happy in their relationships. It's their business and not yours.
added by 1001200867 962 days ago 2    0

If you find peace in two then go for them, but still one person is enough.
And if you can provide for them it's fine,, but two women can't give peace at all
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 3    0


Many african men propose that if you want to suffer marry one wife. They say that marrying two is the best for them because once one annoys the man he goes to the other and they console/ comfort him.
But biblically it's not emphasized and it's condemned.
So why is it like that men prefer two not one.

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It depends on one's ability to sustain his wivies and in African Traditional Societies, a man was constructed as a true man by the number of wivies and children he had and Biblical perception shouldn't be a stumbling block because the Bible and religion came to Africa in 1848 where by our traditions,cultures and norms were paramount in governing African States.
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 2    0