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Puisque l'homme doit communiquer avec son créateur. Nos désirs sont premièrement addressé à Dieu en pensée. Et tout homme dans n'importe quelle situation pense à l'aide de Dieu. Donc tout le monde prie
added by Anonymous 958 days ago 0    0

Prayer is a social, cultural and religious action.
Prayer goes everywhere even if you are not religious you can pray.
added by Anonymous 965 days ago 2    0

Is prayer a religious activity?

Religions have trapped people into protecting traditions and rituals since they don't expose understanding to most people and ending up following what they don't know. Prayer is an obligation for every spirit that has a body since it's the one that keeps a person in contact with his/ her creator.

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To be honest, prayer is not a religious activity because even the pagans with relationship with their creator have that channel of communication and thus prayer is a must for every spirit that has a body on planet earth. If it was a religious activity, those who were in existence before religions didn't communicated with their creator?
added by Anonymous 961 days ago 1    0