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Your right in Africa people are greedy with money and they can do anything without feeling ashamed. Money its self is another problem in Africa.
added by Anonymous 958 days ago 2    0

In Africa, money is everything you have ever thought of

In Africa,people can do everything because of money ie people can hate,abuse,intimidate,frustrate and kill others because of money.And if it wasn’t money maybe Africa would be at peace without any problem

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Cuando pienso en Africa pienso en continente rico y a la vez pobre, un continente saquedo por decadas y decadas.
added by Anonymous 955 days ago 1    0

The problem of Africa is leadership and it's lack of that leadership among most African leaders that destroys integrity in their societies for them to rule gullible societies. It's a deliberate policy to keep people under absolute poverty where by a poor person can be used to forster the interests of their oppressors with money.
added by Anonymous 958 days ago 1    0