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La educación no necesariamente es para conseguir trabajo, la educación consiste en prepararte de la mejor manera para crearte a ti mismo una realidad diferente ya sea emprendimiento
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 1    0

No se puede vivir de la vocacion, la educacion es para conseguir un trabajo bueno, que te permita vivir dignamente, vivir bien.
added by Anonymous 955 days ago 1    0

Education is far different from a good life living though it's necessary in life. However many people living a good have a poor education background but they also suffer for not being educated.
added by Anonymous 957 days ago 2    0

Education is not about getting jobs

In my opinion i see education as an essential tool every human being should have although living a good life doesn’t require education.This is because you may find a rich person who do not even poses a certificate

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