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Actually it's very hard because you need alot of taxation as input yet is income is low nothing you can get from chaina.
added by Anonymous 957 days ago 0    0

Si, me imagino que debe ser dificil para la gente de bajos recursos, exportar a China, debido a los altos costos.
added by Anonymous 961 days ago 1    0

In a country that imports 90% and exports 5% , high taxes are not only affected small businesses but also affects those with huge amounts of money which leads to the collapse of many businesses and those affiliated to government importing their goods without paying taxes which leads to unfavourable competition .
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 2    0

That's true.
No one starts from 100 we all start with one. In business you start small you can't go to China when you are still small you have to keep working and you expand one day you will go to China.
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 2    0

In Uganda ,it’s hard for low income earners to import goods from China

In Uganda,it is difficult for business people with small capital to import goods from China the import duties are high and are highly speculative.In this fact you can not import goods knowing the amount of money (taxes)you going to pay which makes it hard for the beginners

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It is not easy to trade goods from out of the country due to heavy taxes. In Uganda if you have little/small capital you need to buy goods from those who trade from outside. Much as they nneed alot of profits but atleast you get the same goods at an affordable price.
added by Anonymous 963 days ago 2    0