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It was the best option but even those who wanted to use it badly ,some people in privatisation deliver the best services that adds value to the capitalisation of the country.
added by Anonymous 951 days ago 2    0

Was privatisation a better option for most African countries in order to adapt capitalism?

After the end of cold war in early 1990's, most African countries which were under the NAM,were left with no alternative but to adapt capitalism which came with privatising state owned enterprises to private ownership but was it the best option for most African countries.

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Privatisation might have worked in some countries which never privatised everything but in some countries such as Uganda, it never materialised because it was looting of state owned enterprises by few government officials which resulted into a burden to the citizens in terms of taxation and acquisition of loans which doesn't serve the citizens but also being stolen by the same group of people hence Privatisation never served some African countries.
added by Anonymous 955 days ago 1    0