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La plupart des gens sont pauvres parce qu'ils ne veulent pas travailler. Ils pensent qu'ils obtiendront de l'aide des autres parce que certains de leurs parents et amis sont riches, alors ils pensent qu'ils les aideront, mais c'est le pauvre qui pense travailler pour vous et non pour que les autres travaillent pour vous, or c'est le travail qui libère l'homme
added by 1001124285 959 days ago 1    0

Si las personas son pobres debido a las inequidades en este país es muy importante la educación para tener una mejor calidad de vida y para nuestros hijos
added by Anonymous 960 days ago 2    0

Most people are poor because they don't want to work

Most people are poor because they don't want to work. They think that they will get some help from others because some of their relatives and friends are rich so they think that they will help them but that's the poor thinking work for your own not others to work for you.

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No es por no tener trabajo el problema radica en la desigualdad social, en el salario mínimo el cual no alcanza a suplir las necesidades básicas de una familia, ya que la información está muy por encima de los ingresos que generan
added by Anonymous 959 days ago 1    0

What distinguishs a rich person and a poor person is how they spend their time, their ambitions, plans ,definateness of purpose and so forth not willingness to work or not because both the rich and the poor are engaged in working activities but what makes a difference is how they work and their ambitions in life.
added by Anonymous 959 days ago 2    0

I say No, in fact many people work soo...hard but they are doing wrong businesses that's the Case why they are still poor
added by Anonymous 959 days ago 1    0

No , many hard working people are poor just because they don't know the right things to do. They just work to earn a living and fear to take risks of investing.
added by 1001096242 960 days ago 1    0

Many people work but the challenge is how they plan and what kind of work they do.
So it's not because that they don't work that why they are poor.
added by Anonymous 960 days ago 1    0

Difiero mucho con ese pensamiento, vengo de un país donde las condiciones laborales son paupérrimas, y los trabajos son para gente que tienen palanca y carrera necesarias como las carreras forenses, no tienen salida.
added by Anonymous 960 days ago 1    0

No estoy de acuerdo con este comentario, en muchos países como en Colombia, faltan las oportunidades, ya no sirve ser profesional, la excase de empleo es muy grande y se ve reflejado en el alto índice de empleo informal que hay en las calles.
added by 1001224616 960 days ago 1    0