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Los verdaderos amigos son los que están contigo en las buenas y en las malas no te dan la espalda a pesar de todo.
added by Anonymous 960 days ago 1    0

Any one else can be your friend depending on how you handle them but always bear it in mind that every friendship should have a limit whatsoever.
added by Anonymous 961 days ago 1    0

A friend will always be there for you. He will show love to you regardless of your financial status, family, background etc.
added by Anonymous 961 days ago 2    0

People choose friends who can stand with you in difficulties

Let's choose friends who can stand with us in difficulties, it's not good to choose a friend who wants some help from you and when you in trouble and he can't help you yet he/she has that capacity to help you. A friend in need is a friend indeed so choose a friend who can stand with you in difficulties.

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Like attracts Like, there's criterias that should be considered when choosing friends basing on one's morals and values but not on who can stand on one's side during challenges because there's no one can endure being a problem solver for another as a basis for their friendship.
added by Anonymous 960 days ago 2    0

Au tant que possible, aidons. N'attendons rien en retour. Dieu récompense. Même notre ennemi que nous aidons tout en sachant que lui ne nous fera jamais du bien, peut changer ses attitudes à cause de notre amour pour lui.
added by Anonymous 961 days ago 1    0