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Is there any one who thinks that the the are not dead

When the person dies, for sure he dies he can't live again in this sinful earth he will be dead until Jesus comes again so don't think that when a person dies he can still be in the world of living Never it will never ever be. so the dead are dead. Don't think that the dead are not dead they are dead .

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When a person dies, it doesn't mean that he has died completely. That's why the name of that person who died is given a baby which means that he has risen. On top of that, some behaviors of the dead may reappear among one of his family members that means he is not dead completely.
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 1    0

In the African Tradition Society, the dead ate not dead because they keep on guiding those they left on earth. Secondly even in this modern world is governed by dead people for example we're believing in Jesus and prophet Muhammad but non them are still in existence and those in science, physics, politics and so forth are bound by the discoveries invented by the dead people hence the dead are not dead though they can't be in tough with the living people.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 1    0

No creo en eso, la verdad creo que las personas reencarnan en otro después de morir, pienso que el cielo es una utopía y las personas al morir reencarnan.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 1    0