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La bible recommande de payer la dîme. C'est juste la dixième partie de nos revenus. Cette partie appartient à Dieu. On l'utilise pour l'avancement de l'oeuvre. Ceux qui obéissent à cette récommadation sont bénis. Leurs biens sont protégés
added by Anonymous 963 days ago 2    0

Tithing is Biblical but it requires understanding because it's not necessarily that it has to be given to religious leaders in those particular churches, it can be given to poor people, charity organisations and so forth because it's being misused by religious leaders in some countries by continuing to advocate Tithing at the expense of taking the little from poor people for their selfish interests.
added by Anonymous 963 days ago 3    0

Tithe is mandatory to all christians who still have morals. Any christian has to bring a tithe according to what he has achieved in a certain period of time. 10% is not bad to give back to God who has given you in abundancy.
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 2    0

Is Tithing Religious Obligation under the Bible?

Majority of religions practice Tithing giving small portion donation from their incomes of around 10% to its Churches while minority other religions don't practice this so is Tithing Religious Obligation under the Bible?

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