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Actually it's very true in life we all have our own battles to settle down no one will run your race it's you discover your ,know you goals start working for them.
added by Anonymous 955 days ago 0    0

No one comes to rescue another person unless when one is worth to be helped and the only people that has responsibility for over someone is his/her parents and once one reaches the age of understanding, it's one's responsibility to make his/her life what it ought to be.
added by Anonymous 956 days ago 1    0

People no one is coming to help you it's your responsibility

No one is coming to help you it's your responsibility, don't expect anyone to come and help you it's high time think what you want to do or what you will be in future, if you don't join crypto currencies and you think some of your relatives who joined will help you, it's your responsibility.

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