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Of course where there's no vision people perish because in life we all move successfully by having vision.this means if you a visions and you put them into consideration you will achieve bigger in life.
added by Anonymous 956 days ago 0    0

it true
being without a vision is like a car without fuel. the car is your body and the vision is the fuel which comes with a plan which needs to be executed and thus life changes
added by Anonymous 956 days ago 0    0

It is very dangerous to be without a vision. A vision is something you desire to reach at or is something you intend to be in future. It through visions that we build our strenght to develop and become better in our lives. Visions difer from person to person as long as we all aim at achieving something in life. So, visionaries always aim for the best in their lives.
added by Anonymous 956 days ago 1    0

Where there is no vision the people perish

The people perish where there is no vision, if you don't have a vision with in you, you can't reach at the thing you want because you don't have a vision. We need to have visions within us because where there is no vision the people perish.

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