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It is true Ronald scored two goals on his return to untied and that was a game of Newcastle United but even if they do so,untied will not take the league.
added by Anonymous 755 days ago 0    0

CR7, el bicho, el comandante viene a recuperar la grandeza perdida del Manchester United, su efecto es inmediato.
added by Anonymous 945 days ago 1    0

Ay mi madre, el bicho, el mejor futbolísta de todos los tiempos, el united con él va a lograr grandes cosas.
added by Anonymous 945 days ago 2    0

The truth is tha ManU was mostly depending on the 3Rs that is: Ronaldo, Ronney and Rodver Nestroy. Those 3 players were the pillars of ManU. Ever since they left, the team didn't remain the same. Another strong pillar was their coach Alex Furgie he was motivational and knew what he was coaching. He actaully acted as a unifying factor of the team on which every player was pleased.
added by Anonymous 947 days ago 1    0

Christiano Ronaldo scores two goals on his return to Manchester United.

Manchester United has made it in the last match due to the fact that Christiano Ronaldo came back. Had it not been Ronaldo they wouldn't score any goal. The role of Ronaldo in ManU is incredible because ever since he left the team, it has been staggering without proper direction. Now that Ronaldo is back, ManU will take 2021-2022 English Premier league.

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